Image logo helps businesses with both the development phase, but also in growing their activity (innovation, exports, their positioning…). hub’s goal was to keep track of records of businesses that it was monitoring. Thus, during each meeting with a customer, has a perspective of the revenue evolution, action already taken… 

Another aim is to encourage businesses to ask for help as soon as they need it, or to take part in training, workshops… organised regularly. In terms of Impulse internally, the aim was also to share information about businesses, but also to optimise collaborative working (shared calendars & files, project management…).
  • Catherine Jansen

    "efficy's platform reporting is highly appreciated by our employees" 

Why did you choose efficy CRM? 

Choosing efficy CRM was natural, because efficy is one of the businesses that has been guided from the beginning, and so and efficy have grown together. 

The main contributions of CRM are: 

  • Sharing information in the company,
  • Reporting on the actions carried out; Because, although’ services are free, it is necessary to report on the actions taken, 
  • Productivity, because nowadays no one knows how to work without CRM. 

What will be the next evolution for efficy CRM at 

The next evolution for efficy CRM at will be: 

  • The implementation of advanced reporting using QlickView technology,
  • Optimising Marketing campaigns via Flexmail, for increased efficiency and targeting,
  • Sharing information with other institutions in the Brussels Region.
Join the 13,500+ customers using efficy to grow their business
  • Olivier Willocx BECI

    "efficy's platform gives us a better traceability and a better follow-up in the management of the activity"

  • Benoit Speybroeck Belfius

    "The new system will enable everyone who is in contact with a client to have a 360° view of them."


Focus on what you’re best at, and let efficy CRM
take care of the rest.