
Espacil Habitat.

Espacil Habitat manages more than 20,000 social housing units throughout the West of France and the Paris Region.

It relies on direct contact with property managers, but also wants all its employees to be able to address each tenant request efficiently.

Its CRM project, therefore, covers the company as a whole.

  • "Efficy CRM helps us achieve greater tenant satisfaction. We are able to respond to their requests more consistently"

The CRM solution as the cornerstone of the tenant relationship management.

Every month we receive between 2,500 and 3,000 requests, administrative or technical, from existing tenants, former tenants, housing applicants, etc. It has become essential for social housing organisations to equip themselves with solutions to manage this customer relationship.

Our CRM system means the company can centralise and log all their interactions with tenants so as to optimise the follow-up. Thanks to the automation features of the CRM solution, processing times were also greatly reduced.

Moreover, we are able to offer more consistent answers to our various audiences thanks to the knowledge base which is available to all our employees. In short, we could no longer manage if we did not have this CRM solution which is coupled with our sector-specific systems.

A tool open to future evolution, and warmly welcomed by staff.

Efficy CRM a été très bien accueilli par les utilisateurs. La solution est en effet beaucoup plus moderne. Le temps de formation a été très limité puisque nous avions déjà cette culture du CRM. Pour accompagner le déploiement, nous avons mis en place des modes opératoires détaillés. 

Et pour faciliter le travail, nous avons également mis en place des procédures qui vont créer automatiquement des tâches dans les agendas des personnes concernées suivant le type de la demande.

En ce moment, nous mettons en place deux évolutions. Le couplage téléphonie-informatique permettra à nos conseillers de bénéficier de la remontée de fiche pour connaître l’identité de l’appelant et avoir accès à son historique directement. 

L’interface entre le CRM et l’extranet locataire donnera à nos locataires un accès à leurs demandes en cours pour voir leur avancée.

efficy: replacing an obsolete solution with a user-friendly tool.

At Espacil Habitat, we already had a Customer Relationship Management solution. However, over time, this tool had become obsolete and no longer met all our requirements.

We launched a call for tenders in order to find a software solution to replace our existing solution. A consulting firm assisted us in drafting the specifications. An internal working group worked with the consultant to identify and list all the needs.

Three providers were invited to give a demonstration. The demonstration provided by Almavia and efficy teams, as well as the work they had carried out on their prototype, proved to us that they had fully understood our needs. They were able to offer a demonstration and solution based on the realistic scenarios we had provided.

This enabled us to see how efficy could help us in the future. The solution they presented to us also seemed very user-friendly and more modern. Another added benefit was that some features meant we would be able to broaden the scope of what we wanted to do with the solution.

Key facts.

3 000

requests received every month


fixed licenses


floating licenses


  • Improved request management
  • Reduced average request processing time
  • Greater consistency in the answers offered to tenants
  • More efficient information sharing
Join the 13,500+ customers using efficy to grow their business
  •  « The CRM is at the heart of our members' knowledge. All organizations have access to our directory and can update their information directly. We also use it to send emails and organize our professional days. »

  •  «For Vivest, customer relations are just as important as the vacancy rate or the rate of unpaid rent. Thanks to the efficy group's CRM solution, we now have a better knowledge of our customers, sectors and the state of the stock.»

  •  « We needed a flexible solution that could adapt to the complexity of our business and manage our business processes and lead management from A to Z. »


Focus on what you’re best at, and let efficy CRM
take care of the rest.