Smoother and more efficient communication.
One of the objectives of the CRM was to improve communication between USH and its member organizations.
It is therefore quite natural that the process of creating the Hlm Directory, a reference support for the sector, was simplified. Indeed, all members have access to the CRM and can find the contacts of their organization and of other organizations. The updating of contacts is done in a mutualized way, either by USH or by the member itself.
The CRM is therefore the only reliable and up-to-date source that serves as the basis for the paper edition of the Annuaire Hlm.
At the same time, USH also uses efficy CRM to send its emailing campaigns. Over the course of a year, approximately 500 emailings are sent.
And, as a bonus, the statistics of sending, opening and clicks are directly monitored in the CRM via dashboards.
Professional events are also managed via the CRM.
Finally, as proof of progress in terms of communication, USH also uses its CRM to track legal requests from web forms.
With institutional information (local associations, town halls, departments, etc.) and information on housing organizations, USH now has a complete overview of its ecosystem, in a centralized and reliable manner.